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Q: what word has been coming up for you and how do you define it?


“I know that for me, something I’ve noticed that keeps popping up is the idea of exhaustion and what light we look at it in, depending of what particular situation we might be in at the time, because, it can be seen as a positive or a negative I feel like in a lot of different instances and I feel like I just want to know like what constitutes it to become one or the other."


"Originally my word was gonna be explosion but I changed it. I changed it last minute to rapture; the feeling of immense pleasure or joy. I've been feeling that a lot lately, just a lot of good news, about everything, every single dynamic. This feeling of joy has just been encompassing me. Especially today. But yeah that's what I feel today. Rapturous."

RECKLESS (abandonment) :

"Um ok, this isn’t like a word that I, I don’t know this is just the first word that I’ve thought of I don’t think I've heard it that much, but I watched a film the other day and it said reckless abandonment, so I think the word reckless cause I never thought about reckless as a, cause whenever I think of reckless I think like everything’s a mess you didn't think this through or like, you didn't, ah, you're so stupid! But then I thought about, how can I bring reckless abandonment into dance but not be like all over the place at barre and falling off the leg but thinking of it in the sense of like no, I'm just not gonna give a rats today, like the clean version of it I would say, I'm not gonna care, I am standing on this leg, I’m gonna give it, no matter what, and I'm gonna be reckless about it. I like to call it a, like your moment, like my Michael Jackson moment is reckless."


"I feel like this word came up with this specific person a long time ago, and, I couldn't even explain exactly what the scene is or where, or I know where we were, but I don’t even know anything else, kind of like black out moment, but every single time dichotomy comes up I think of this person, and this moment, and it wasn’t even like it was a seminal moment, but that’s what comes up everytime! and I’m like ugh. This! this again!"

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